Here are 4 key attributes.
- Effective communication is the key.
A good mortgage broker is someone who can quickly and easily get into rapport and strike empathy which is critical in the all-important trust-building process.
Mortgage brokers also need to be able to strike up conversations sometimes with complete strangers and enjoy it!
But it goes beyond just meeting and greeting prospective clients. Mortgage brokers also need to be comfortable and confident with their fellow professionals such as lenders, solicitors, valuers on whom they both rely and need to build strong relationships.
Working and advising clients is very much a two-way process and brokers have to possess great listening skills to ensure that an accurate fact find is conducted and not missing out on any key points that could affect the outcome of the process.
- A defined outcome.
Mortgage brokers are in the business of advising their clients on the most effective route to achieving a defined outcome. That outcome in many instances will be a mortgage offer without which the client’s goal may be delayed or worse still, unlikely to be achieved.
Mortgage brokers are adept at working through processes – mortgage broking is by its very nature a process-driven profession and they will have both the knowledge and the experience to guide clients through the many moving parts of the home purchasing cycle.
- Service that exceeds clients expectations.
Mortgage brokers are a ‘business’ and their continued business success is inextricably tied to the successful outcome they strive to achieve on behalf of their clients.
Some mortgage brokers will unconditionally go the extra mile on behalf of their clients and often work late to accommodate clients’ working hours or driving miles to secure vital paperwork on time.
- Embracing change.
The mortgage market is in a constant state of flux both with new products being announced almost by the day and also with evolving technology that allows brokers to work ever more efficiently by streamlining processes that in the past would have slowed the purchase cycle down.
By investing in technology allows mortgage brokers to bring about the results that clients want and maintain their focus on the defined outcome which, as we said is the object of the exercise.
At True Cost Mortgages our focus envelopes all of the 4 key points above and as the market continues to evolve you can be sure that we will too!